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来源: 2017-5-26 10:56:47      点击:










直流电源上电后,Q1的B极从两颗启动电阻(分别1.5M)得到启动电流,Q1三极管开始 导通。启动电阻应尽量大,直流电源将启动电流维持在1MA以上即可,降低待机功耗。




直流电源电路电压和电流的稳定,主要通过Q2和ZD1组成的负反馈控制,ZD1的电压为5.1V,所以直流电源的输出电压也会钳位在5V 左右(因为有R8),当输出电压过高时,电压会击穿ZD1,从而导致Q2导通,从而降低Q1的IC电流,达到控制输出电压的目的。ZD2的作用主要是做高压补偿,当交流输入过高后,ZD2同样形成负反馈的作用,限制电源的输出功率。





Components in Circuit:

1. TR1: three windings SMPS Transformer:

Primary winding (PRI): 5-6,

Secondary winding (SEC): 1-4,

Auxiliary winding (AUX): 7-8

2. Q1: switching power transistor

3. RS: resistor for start-up current

4. RB: resistor to limit the base current of Q1

Working process

Q1 transistor acts as a switch in circuit, it is off at the beginning,

When the power is applied on the circuit, a small start-up current will flow through RS resistor into the base pin of Q1, the Q1 is partially on.

Then, the PRI winding (5-6) gets positive voltage difference (Vin – Vce), and the AUX winding (7-8) also gets same polarity positive voltage, this AUX winding voltage will generate current flowing through RB resistor into the base pin of Q1, so the base current increases , and Q1 turns on more.

It is positive feedback process, the Q1 will be fully on quickly.

As Ip=Vp/Lp * t,  the current in PRI winding (5-6) path begins increasing linearly, and Ip will reach the critical point finally – Ip=Ib*B (beta), beyond this point, according to transistor characteristic curves,

A little Ic (equals to Ip here) increasing will cause a bigger Vce increasing, this means the Q1 will leave saturation region, and Vce will increase dramatically.

Therefore, the voltage on PRI winding will begin to decrease, the voltage on AUX winding will decrease too, this will make transistor base current decreasing, it is positive feedback process again, and will lead to transistor turn-off quickly.

When transistor is off, the AUX winding will get negative voltage, and draw the current from Q1 base to keep it off firmly.

The SEC winding (1-4) will get polarity reversed voltage,  D1 diode becomes conducted and energy stored on PRI winding transfers to SEC winding, then to load.

After all stored energy is released, the current on every winding is zero, and voltage on every winding is zero too, then this cycle starts again.


1. This circuit doesn’t regulate output voltage

2. RCC SMPS works exactly at the point between continuous mode and non-continuous mode

3. The cycle frequency depends on B (beta) value of transistor which is not reliable



Function of capacitor C2

Let’s start from the point when Q1 is fully on , then C2 begins to charge according to RC time constant curve, at same time the current in PRI winding will increase linearly and energy is stored.

As C2 keeps charging, the voltage on resistor RB will decrease, and the current to Q1 base will decrease too.

So Ip keeps increasing and Ib keeps decreasing, then a critical point will be reached where Ip=Ib * B (beta), after that, the Ib keeps decreasing, then the Vce will increase, this means the voltage on PRI winding will decrease, and  the voltage on AUX winding will also decrease, this will speed up Ib decreasing, and finally turn off Q1,

After Q1 turns off, the PRI winding will get a reversed voltage, so does AUX winding,  this will draw away current from Q1 base, and C2 begins to discharging, the energy stored on PRI winding begins to release to load through SEC winding,

After all stored energy is released, the circuit returns to starting point, and the cycle will repeat all over again.


a. It is clear here that capacitor C2 can control the cycle-on time and frequency.

According to RC time constant curve, small value capacitor can decrease cycle on time, and provide less power to output every cycle, so circuit will have a higher cycle frequency; a large value capacitor will increase cycle on time, and provide more power to output every cycle, so circuit will have a lower cycle frequency

b. Relation between Load and Frequency:

Heavy load => less cycle off time (larger duty cycle) => higher frequency

Light load =>more cycle off time (smaller duty cycle) =>lower frequency