IGBT 鼻祖巴利迦教授首次来华讲演,万勿错过!
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IGBT 鼻祖巴利迦教授首次来华讲演,万勿错过!

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IGBT 鼻祖巴利迦教授首次来华讲演,万勿错过!

AOS IGBT/IPM/GaN/SiC技术交流高峰论坛由全球半导体行业翘楚—美国万国半导体(AOS公司) 在上海盛大举行,集结当下功率元器件热门技术与前沿思想,汇聚全球顶级知名专家,是关注功率器件与新能源的工程师不容错过的开创性学术高峰论坛。5月23日前报名可免费参会,机会稍纵即逝,不想与此失之交臂?

IGBT 鼻祖巴利迦教授首次来华讲演时间及演讲地址

IGBT 鼻祖巴利迦教授首次来华讲演日程安排及演讲议程



(1)本书作者是功率半导体器件领域的国际著名专家,IGBT器件发明人之一。 (2)本书结合作者多年的实践经验,不仅深入讨论了半导体功率器件的工作原理,而且采用计算机来验证物理模型,并讨论了实际复杂结构器件的优化设计。 (3)各章都附有习题,便于读者深入掌握基本概念,可作为相关专业高年级本科生、研究生的教材。




目  录


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Ideal and Typical Power Switching Waveforms

1.2 Ideal and Typical Power Device Characteristics

1.3 Unipolar Power Devices

1.4 Bipolar Power Devices

1.5 MOS-Bipolar Power Devices

1.6 Ideal Drift Region for Unipolar Power Devices

1.7 Charge-Coupled Structures:Ideal Specific On-Resistance

1.8 Summary



Chapter 2 Material Properties and Transport Physics

2.1 Fundamental Properties



Chapter 1


Modern society is increasingly dependent upon electrical appliances for comfort,

transportation, and healthcare, motivating great advances in power generation,

power distribution and power management technologies. These advancements owe

their allegiance to enhancements in the performance of power devices that regulate

the flow of electricity. After the displacement of vacuum tubes by solid state

devices in the 1950s, the industry relied upon silicon bipolar devices, such as

bipolar power transistors and thyristors. Although the ratings of these devices grew

rapidly to serve an ever broader system need, their fundamental limitations in

terms of the cumbersome control and protection circuitry led to bulky and costly

solutions. The advent of MOS technology for digital electronics enabled the

creation of a new class of devices in the 1970s for power switching applications as

well. These silicon power MOSFETs have found extensive use in high frequency

applications with relatively low operating voltages (below 100 V). The merger of

MOS and bipolar physics enabled the creation of yet another class of devices in the

1980s. The most successful innovation in this class of devices has been the

insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT). The high power density, simple interface,

and ruggedness of the IGBT have made it the technology of choice for all medium